Gorse In Blossom at Watergate

Gorse In Blossom at Watergate


120x100cm, Acrylic and Ink on canvas

These etherial paintings of Cornwall were made en plain air during the hazy days of the first lockdown in spring 2020 when the world stood still and nature came alive. A more reflective look at this small stretch of coast that has inspired so much of my work, this small collection is a further investigation into capturing a more enigmatic and impressionistic essence of this place. The vivid blues and greens are so characteristic of this section of the Cornish coastal path, and it is a palette that always drifts into my paintings - it seems to be deeply ingrained in my creative brain.

By Victoria Young Jamieson

View all artworks online here.

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Warm Paths

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Dawn Chorus

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Autumn Leaf

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